Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Flora & Fauna

Camera: Canon Powershot SD 1200 IS
1. Tree sunset; 5/9/10; 7:10pm; Candy cane lane; f/8.0; 1/160; Slight level adjustment and slight vignette.
2. peeking; 5/9/10; 6:50pm; Idaho Falls; f/2.8; 1/60; Slight level adjustment and slight vignette.
3. Grass; 5/9/10; 7:15pm; IF park; f/2.8; 1/60; Curve adjustment and vignette.
4. Duck; 5/9/10; 7:30pm; IF Park; f/4.9; 1/100; I used zoom to make the duck look closer.
5. dried; 5/9/10; 7:30pm; IF canal; f/4.9; 1/30; I used curve adjustment and vignette.
6. Yellow; 5/9/10; 6:50pm; Idaho Falls; f/2.8; 1/60; I used just a little bit of Curve adjustment.
7. Cat; 5/9/10; 7:00pm; Idaho Falls; f/2.8; 1/6; I used Curve and level adjustment as well as add vignette.

Sorry there are so many pictures, but this was a really fun project for me! During this project I learned a lot about lighting, and how to use it to your best advantage.  Also I learned how to edit my pictures better. I keep seeing people use vignette, but I had no idea how to use it.  So in order to figure it out I looked up a tutorial on google, and realized how easy it is and how cool your pictures look afterward.

I found out how hard it is to make a cat hold still, especially when your camera keeps shining a red light in his face. Also I found out that birds are extremely smart, and know when you are trying to take their picture.  I had a close encounter with a red-winged black bird, that kept switching sides with me at the canal.  I was not however able to take his picture, which was sad because they are a really pretty bird!
I never realized how cool photography can be, especially when a little editing can make it look even better!  It really helped me to appreciate what a beautiful place I grew up in... Good old Idaho Falls!!


Kris Fryer said...

I really like photos 1. Tree Sunset, 3. Grass, and 5. Dried the best! I love how you captured the sunset along with the tree. The colors are great! On "Grass" I like how everything is in focus and the river/stream in the background adds to the feeling of the photo. On "Dried" I like the boca that you created in this one. It is perfect. Without it, it would not be the same picture. Great job!

Amber said...

Wow! I love how you got the cat to look away from you. It is a really cool shot thinking that the cat didn't even know probably and you got it right at the right moment. I also like your branch photo, where it has shallow depth of field. It is a really eye catching photo!

Andrea said...

Great composition on the Tree Sunset picture. The tree really helps frame the picture and the sky is an amazing color! I also love the yellow picture and good job with the vignette! It does make a great effect.

sarahels said...

I really love the picture of the branch and the shallow depth of the picture. I also love the picture of the cat and how it is taken from a different angle instead of head on. Great job!