Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fine art

Flower: 6-15-10, 7pm, Benson, f/2.8, 1/160, na
Water Tower: 6-20-10, 9pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 1/60, vibrancy, brighten 
This project is beautiful and kind of simple!  I remember I used to use this same method with text when I was much younger, but had forgotten how to do it.  It still amazes me everyday how smart photoshop really is! The first one I added yellow to the background, text to the bottom, and then flattened the whole project and added a vignette. But I was really found of that, so I removed it. To make the text look more interesting I added a drop shadow and embossed it.  The second project, I did the same things except I made the text blue, didn't add a drop shadow, and made the boxes a little slimmer.  I really like the photos, and I am glad I got to use them in such a creative way.  The template gives them much more justice!


Camera: Canon Powershot
Banana fight: 6-21-10, 5:30, Rexburg, f/8, 1/100, vignette
Like a bug: 6-20-10, 1pm, Gardens, f/2.8, 1/250, na
Part 1: 6-22-10, 12am, Rexburg, f/2.8, 1/15, brightened
Part 2: 6-22-10, 12am, Rexburg, f/3.2, 1/13, brightened
Part 3: 6-22-10, 12am, Rexburg, f/3.2, 1/15, brightened
This was a challenging project, yet fun! The hardest part for me was trying to be creative, and not copy someone online.  The first photo it started with the one shadow just holding the banana, and then it turned into fighting over the banana! I thought I turned out pretty cool.  To take this photo I had to wait for the right time of day so that the shadows wouldn't be too short, or tall.  Then I had my subjects stand so that it looked like they were fighting over the banana.  The hard part was trying to make it look interesting and not getting my own shadow in the photo. I just used a point and shoot for this photo.  The next photo I wanted the girl in front to look like a giant pushing the little girls in dresses. I should probably call it Jane and the bean stock. :) I didn't add any edits to the photo, but I did use a flash to make the foreground brighter.  My edited photo was really fun! I had tried and tried to figure out what I wanted to do. First I wanted to put someone on a building, and then I just didn't know how to get the right photo. So late that night is suddenly came to me to do the devil and the angel on my subjects shoulder.  The lighting is my best, but it was fun to cut out the other photos and try and make it look believable. To cut them out I used the quick selection tool, and the black shirt was easier then the white shirt because of the contrast!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Elisabeth: 6-13-10, 2pm, Rexburg, f/8.0, 1/100, vibrance, levels
Canal: 5-9-10, 7:40pm, Idaho Falls, f/2.8, 1/25, vibrance, gausion blur in background, curves
Katelyn: 6-13-10, 2:30pm, Benson building, f/2.8, 1/400,vibrance, exposure
Borders are an amazing option.  They can add a new life to a photo.  In these photos, I tried to empathize that fact.  The first photo I used a border that I had experimented with last year and made it bigger. The border was made out of a black rectangle with the inside erased with an edgy brush.  On the photo I changed the opacity of the border to help it blend better to the photo. The next photo I used the history brush. First I deleted the picture, and then used a jagged brush to bring it back, only where I wanted it. Then used a spotty brush on the edges to add more photo to the finished product. Then on the bottom I used the crop to tool to add space so I could add words.  The last photo is probably my favorite! I did it by copying the layer and then deleting the top photo's middle with the rectangular marquee tool. Before I cut it out though, I used the stoke tool to add the red line around the rectangular marquee tool was... notice it is close to the same color as her shoes because I used the eye dropper tool.

Night & Light

Pama: 6-14-10, 9:00pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 16.0, vignette, curves, vibrance, tripod
Dance party: 6-14-10, 9:00pm, Royal crest bathroom, f/2.8, 16.0, vibrance, vignette, tripod
falling lights: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, rexburg, f/2.8, 4.0, vibrance, vignette
 Taco time?: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 16.0, vibrance, exposure, brightness, vignette, tripod
Posted: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, rexburg, f/2.8, 5.0, vibrance, exposure, brightness, vignette, tripod

Light painting is something I have never done before this, but I soon realized how fun it is. For these photos I had the chance to use my roommates help. The first photo was done with a dull flash light. My roommate used the flashlight to draw her name on the wall very slow.  I used Shutter priority of  16seconds. The next photo is of me and two of my roommates dancing with glow sticks on our wrists and necks.  This photo was the Shutter priority of 16 seconds also. The next photo is me walking by a passing car. I think it really looks like the stars are falling or something. This photo was 4 seconds. The last two photos are the same, except that I turned the camera a few degrees.  Also the first one is 16 seconds, and the second is 5 seconds. I thought the lines were nice with the multiple colors. In the photos there were several cars and motorcycles passing by.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photo a day template

So I was trying really hard to be creative and make my own, but I guess my creative genius must have not been working, because I couldn't think of anything. So I just used one of the examples and recolored it.  First I changed the color of the background by putting a pink 50% opacity layer over the sample background. Then I changed the font and the date. After that I put the pictures in, and then put the days of the week on the photos.
To put the photos on I clicked on the brown part and then fit it to the square. A few of the pictures I had to crop it in a another doc to make them fit the frame.
But one time when I am feeling more creative, I will for sure try out making my own!

Photo Journal

Heart: 6-2-10, 11:46pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 1/3, vignette, brightness adjustment
Keys: 6-3-10, 9:10pm, Spori, f/2.8, 1/60, vignette, exposure
Night: 6-4-10, 10:12pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 0.8, vignette, brightness adjustment
View: 6-5-10, 3:30pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 1/80, vignette, curves
Friends: 6-6-10, 9:00pm, Royal Crest, f/2.8, 1/60, vignette, desaturated, replace color
Sarah: 6-7-10, 5:30pm, Ricks Gardens, f/2.8, 1/320, vignette, vibrance, exposure, warming filter
Devo: 6-8-10, 1:10pm, Hart, f/2.8, 1/2

This was a fun project! I enjoyed have the chance to try and get different types of shots. The first picture I wanted to try and get a picture in my room, so I stood in the middle and looked around.  The thing that stuck out to me most was my necklaces hanging on the wall, so I tried to get a cool angle on one.  Also I wanted to focus only on one, but still see the others in the back. The next photo called Keys was in the Spori while I was doing some very stressful homework, I decided to take a break and get my pictures. The piano stuck out to me so I decided to get it as my subject.  I used the macro button so that I could make the dept swallow.  Then I added a exposure adjustment to give it a cool look.  Night picture was taken over at the cute businesses by the car dealership and the middle school.  The buildings over there have a really cute look to them. The only problem is that I really had my flash, and I have not invested in a tripod... so I had to hold the camera firmly on the ground to make it not blurry. View- My niece and nephew were at my apartment while my sister and I were hanging out. They were looking out the window, and it looked so cute that I thought I'd snap their picture.  This is through my front window screen, while she was eating some crackers which explains her expression :).  In friends, my roommate were walking to ward prayer. Since ward prayer is very much apart of sunday and it was raining, I thought it was the perfect picture to represent the day.  This picture was the most labor intensive because I had to change the middle sweater by cutting it out and then replaced its color from brown to green.  Then I desaturated it and masked out the other jackets. After that there were some light spots all over the picture, so I used the healing tool on those. Sarah- I decided that I wanted to do a photo shoot with my pretty friend Sarah, so we went to the Gardens while it wasn't raining and just took some random photos.  I like this one because of the reflection in the water  that looks neat! The last is Devo.  I really wanted to get a picture of devotional because it is such a huge part of my life! This semester I have the opportunity to be the devotional ushering director, so in this picture I wanted to get the hustle and bustle that happens 5 minutes before devotional starts!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010









Camera: Canon Powershot
Flower child: 5-31-10, 3:30, Island Park, f/3.5, 1/80, Replace color
Eyes: 5-29-10, 11:16am, Ammon, f/2.8, 1/25, Enhancements
Friends and rivals: 5-31-10, 3:20, f/8.0, 1/60, match color.

On the first picture I wanted to get my niece but still focus on the flower so that the contrast was really good. Then I used the adjustments to change the flower color from yellow to orange. I was really trying to pick a realistic color to replace with.  The second edit I wanted to draw out her eyes and make them look really blue so I adjusted the curves and levels and masked out her eyes so the color stuck out.  Then I added a vinette and smoothed out her little 3 year old scratches with the healing brush.  The last set I wanted to light up the color, it was getting later in the day and so they were looking a little dark. Also I focused the camera on the wrong focus point. So I used the adjustment feature thingy to match the color to the last picture!!


Camera: Cannon Powershot SD 1200 IS
Baby kisses: 5-31-10, 3:30, Island Park, f/3.5, 1/60
Melissa: 5-31-10, 3:30, Island Park, f/2.8, 1/25
Big T: 5-31-10, 3:40, Island Park, f/2.8, 1/80
Happy girl: 5-30-10, 2:40, Idaho Falls, f/2.8, 1/320
Cousins: 5-31-10, 3:20, Island Park, f/2.8, 1/60

Portraits are a new thing for me, it is something I haven't had much practice with. But I decided to try and do the best I could. The first picture is of my youngest niece and my sister (her mom).  She is about 5 months old and so cute. I wanted to get a picture that focuses on her eyes.  To edit the picture, I added a small vinette, and warmed up the picture. The next couple of pictures I just wanted to capture them being happy and enjoying life. They were taken in Island Park while we were enjoying the weekend as a family. The Big T one I didn't edit but I consider it an environmental picture because that little boy(my nephew) has been riding on the four-wheeler for most of his life, and he loves it. The one called Melissa was edited by changing the levels, the contrast, and a photo filter to warm it up. Also I added my favorite... a vinette. The Happy girl picture, I was really trying the fix the poor quailty of the light and make her eye color better.  So to edit it I fixed the curve, the levels, exposure, brightness, and exposure. Also I added a photo filter to warm it up. The last picture, I wanted to get a group shot. The only thing I did to edit it was desaturate it to get the lighting to look better, and add pops of color!!