Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Night & Light

Pama: 6-14-10, 9:00pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 16.0, vignette, curves, vibrance, tripod
Dance party: 6-14-10, 9:00pm, Royal crest bathroom, f/2.8, 16.0, vibrance, vignette, tripod
falling lights: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, rexburg, f/2.8, 4.0, vibrance, vignette
 Taco time?: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, Rexburg, f/2.8, 16.0, vibrance, exposure, brightness, vignette, tripod
Posted: 6-14-10, 11:50pm, rexburg, f/2.8, 5.0, vibrance, exposure, brightness, vignette, tripod

Light painting is something I have never done before this, but I soon realized how fun it is. For these photos I had the chance to use my roommates help. The first photo was done with a dull flash light. My roommate used the flashlight to draw her name on the wall very slow.  I used Shutter priority of  16seconds. The next photo is of me and two of my roommates dancing with glow sticks on our wrists and necks.  This photo was the Shutter priority of 16 seconds also. The next photo is me walking by a passing car. I think it really looks like the stars are falling or something. This photo was 4 seconds. The last two photos are the same, except that I turned the camera a few degrees.  Also the first one is 16 seconds, and the second is 5 seconds. I thought the lines were nice with the multiple colors. In the photos there were several cars and motorcycles passing by.


Bre Christensen said...

I absolutely love the second picture. It turned out really great and has great color and movement in the shot.

Anonymous said...

I also LOVE the Dance Party Picture!!!!! It has so much life and movement, it's a very good name for it. Also, did you change any of the colors on the Taco Time photo, or did they just turn that color when you left the shutter open for so long? They look really cool.

Amber said...

You have some really really amazing light photos! I am really impressed with your amazing vibrant color and different composition. I think that my favorite one is the second one,because there is so much color and motion! Great job!

Justin said...

The second one is very good, it looked like smoke at first glance.